consumer behavior

Consumer behavior, also known as consumer psychology, is the why, what, how, when, and where behind marketing. From “Why do prices end in .99?” to “Do consumers respond differently to message framing?”.

  • Why do prices end in .99?


    Many of the questions people ask me are about pricing. One of the most popular questions is why do prices end in .99? It seems like everything from coffee to televisions and shoes to computers end with .99. So why do marketers do this?

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  • Psychology of Anchoring and Influence On Behaviors


    What is the length of the Mississippi River? Sounds like a fairly straight forward question but a concept known as anchoring (or magnitude priming) makes people respond to that question in unexpected ways. Anchoring is psychology theory that suggests when people see a number, they are biased toward that initial number. What does that mean?…

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  • What is Consumer Behavior?


    When discussing marketing and my interest in consumer behavior, I am often asked “What is consumer behavior?”. I typically respond with something like “it is the study of how consumers behave, why they behave in certain ways, and how they respond differently in various situations”. Consumer behavior (also known as consumer psychology) is a fascinating…

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